Research shows that watching TV and movies with children has a wide range of positive effects. Just like the ‘co-cooking’ benefits of learning about maths and chemistry and physics in our recent Science issue, movies can support early literacy skills, boost empathy, and even help manage emotions after exposure to violent media.
Here are some easy crafts to enhance your grandchildren’s’ enjoyment of their favourite movies, enhance their skills and have a lot of fun in the process!
Here are some easy crafts to enhance your grandchildren’s’ enjoyment of their favourite movies, enhance their skills and have a lot of fun in the process!

'Frozen' has been around for a while, but it’s still a major favourite with children of all ages. Here’s a super-easy craft to make and recycle those toilet paper rolls, too!
What you’ll need
· Toilet Paper roll
· White card
· Coloured card in brown and orange
· Black marker
· Glue stick
· Googly eyes
· Small black Pom Poms
· Scissors
What do Do
1: Draw the mouth, tongue, and eyebrows on the white paper, following the photo.
Stick on the googly eyes under the eyebrows.
2: Draw the nose on the orange paper, then cut our and stick onto the white paper.
3: Glue the Olaf paper onto the toilet paper roll.
4: Glue three pom poms onto the body to represent his buttons.
5: Cut three thin strips of paper out of the brown card and glue to the inside of the roll to make his hair.
'Frozen' has been around for a while, but it’s still a major favourite with children of all ages. Here’s a super-easy craft to make and recycle those toilet paper rolls, too!
What you’ll need
· Toilet Paper roll
· White card
· Coloured card in brown and orange
· Black marker
· Glue stick
· Googly eyes
· Small black Pom Poms
· Scissors
What do Do
1: Draw the mouth, tongue, and eyebrows on the white paper, following the photo.
Stick on the googly eyes under the eyebrows.
2: Draw the nose on the orange paper, then cut our and stick onto the white paper.
3: Glue the Olaf paper onto the toilet paper roll.
4: Glue three pom poms onto the body to represent his buttons.
5: Cut three thin strips of paper out of the brown card and glue to the inside of the roll to make his hair.
Any child will be a superhero with this seriously impressive shield. And you’ll be a superhero Grandparent for helping him to make it! Don’t forget to allow time for the paint to dry, so some extra activity may be necessary to prevent boredom! What you’ll need
What to do 1: Paint the back of the largest paper plate and the smallest paper plate red and allow to dry. 2: Use the bottom end of an appropriately shaped bowl to trace a circle onto the blue cardboard. The circle must be large enough to fit on top of the smallest paper plate. 3: Carefully cut out the circle. 4: Trace another circle of the same size onto the white cardboard, then draw a star on the inside of the circle. You may need a ruler to get accurate lines. This star should fit perfectly into the blue circle once cut out. 5: Cut out the star 6: Cut out a long strip from the black foam sheet and shape the ends into handles that you will glue onto the paper plate to hold the shield. 7: When the paper plates have dried completely, start assembling the shield by hot gluing the plates onto each other, then add the blue circle and the star. 8: Flip the shield over and glue the black foam ‘handles’ onto the back of the plate. Allow to dry. You’re now ready to save the world!! |
You can’t have enough superheroes in the family- here’s Wonder Woman to join Captain America! To make the Tiara What you’ll need · 2 empty toilet paper rolls · 1 empty cereal box · Gold paint · Red foam star stickers · Scissors · Tape/stapler 1: Take the cereal box and cut one long slit up so that it opens flat (cardboard side up). Trace and cut out a tiara shape as shown (there’s no template supplied, but it should be easy to copy from the picture!). 2: Cut another long strip of cardboard to wrap the tiara to fit your child’s head. 3: Paint the cardboard gold. Allow to dry. 4: When dry, glue the red foam start to the middle of the tiara. 5: Staple or tape the strip to the tiara. Wrap around your child’s head and adjust to fit and tape or staple. To make the Cuffs 1: Paint the outside of the toilet paper rolls with the gold paint. Allow to dry. 2: When dry, cut vertical slits up the middle of the tubes. 3: Glue the red foam stars to the cuffs. |
Here are some of our favourite ‘stress-free’ movie game ideas! You’ll be able to adjust the games to suit different ages (that is, the movies that they are currently watching) and the popcorn games will satisfy any age.

Go online to print out or collect some ‘gossip’ magazines to cut out large (ideally full page) facial shots of either:
· Movie stars
· Animated movie ‘stars’
· Superheroes
You will need to select photographs appropriate to the age of your players. Try to find pictures without any background images. Print two of each (photocopy if you need to) and then cut each picture into four different strips; hairline, eyes, nose, and mouth - see picture for example.
Now, you can play this game with just one player or a group, in which you put them into two teams.
You’ll need to create two different envelopes with ten celebrity pics in each. That’s 40 strips in each envelope.
TO PLAY WITH A GROUP: Divide into two teams. Each team gets an envelope and the first team to put all their faces back together again wins!
TO PLAY WITH ONE PLAYER: Time your player to see how quickly they can put the photos together. Try it a second time to see if they can better their time.
ALTERNATIVE PLAY: Another movie theme game you can play with the strips is to see how many guests can identify the characters by their features. Hold up a nose, eyes, or mouth and see who can be the first to identify the owner.
Go online to print out or collect some ‘gossip’ magazines to cut out large (ideally full page) facial shots of either:
· Movie stars
· Animated movie ‘stars’
· Superheroes
You will need to select photographs appropriate to the age of your players. Try to find pictures without any background images. Print two of each (photocopy if you need to) and then cut each picture into four different strips; hairline, eyes, nose, and mouth - see picture for example.
Now, you can play this game with just one player or a group, in which you put them into two teams.
You’ll need to create two different envelopes with ten celebrity pics in each. That’s 40 strips in each envelope.
TO PLAY WITH A GROUP: Divide into two teams. Each team gets an envelope and the first team to put all their faces back together again wins!
TO PLAY WITH ONE PLAYER: Time your player to see how quickly they can put the photos together. Try it a second time to see if they can better their time.
ALTERNATIVE PLAY: Another movie theme game you can play with the strips is to see how many guests can identify the characters by their features. Hold up a nose, eyes, or mouth and see who can be the first to identify the owner.
Game 1: Popcorn Toss Place a large popcorn bucket away from the player/s and see who can make different shots into the bucket with pieces of popcorn. Keep moving the bucket farther away until no one can hit it with their popcorn. Game 2: Chopstick Popcorn Relay Time the player/s to see who can move 20 pieces of popcorn from one bowl to another by using only chopsticks. |

This game is best suited to older children. The players needs a phone camera and to be working in teams of two or three if appropriate. You need to set a time limit so people get back in time to share their results.
Before playing, write out a list of movie titles and give each team a copy of this list. The goal is for everyone to take photos of items that correspond to each movie title, as best they can.
For example, if the movie was Toy Story, then they need to find action figures or something child-like. Mulan? An item of red clothing or something resembling a sword. Nightmare on Elm Street? A block of knives or an open Swiss army knife could do.
Let people be as imaginative as they can. Whichever team completes the list the best is the winner although everyone playing is the winner.
You can also limit your list to being about one movie. If you know everyone is a fan of, say, Lord of The Rings, then you can ask all the team to photograph ten items that describe the mood of the film, or a scene, or one of the characters
This game is best suited to older children. The players needs a phone camera and to be working in teams of two or three if appropriate. You need to set a time limit so people get back in time to share their results.
Before playing, write out a list of movie titles and give each team a copy of this list. The goal is for everyone to take photos of items that correspond to each movie title, as best they can.
For example, if the movie was Toy Story, then they need to find action figures or something child-like. Mulan? An item of red clothing or something resembling a sword. Nightmare on Elm Street? A block of knives or an open Swiss army knife could do.
Let people be as imaginative as they can. Whichever team completes the list the best is the winner although everyone playing is the winner.
You can also limit your list to being about one movie. If you know everyone is a fan of, say, Lord of The Rings, then you can ask all the team to photograph ten items that describe the mood of the film, or a scene, or one of the characters