How to grow Poinsettias

Often used as a table decoration or gift at Christmas, poinsettias (euphorbia pulcherrima) are a great feature in the garden or as a potted plant. They are available in the deep reds to bright and pale pinks and are available most of the year.
How to grow poinsettias in a garden
1. Choose a spot in the garden that receives full sun to part shade that is sheltered from strong winds. Prepare the planting area well by digging in Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser.
2. Dig the planting hole twice as wide and to the same depth as the root-ball. Remove the shrub from the container, gently tease the roots.
3. Position in hole and backfill, gently firming down. Form a raised ring around the plant, creating a well so that water will go where it’s needed most. Water in well.
4. Mulch around the base with organic mulch like bark chips, sugarcane or pea straw, keeping it away from the base of the plant.
5. Feed every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive Roses & Flowers Liquid Plant Food.
How to grow poinsettias in a pot
Growing tips
How to grow poinsettias in a garden
1. Choose a spot in the garden that receives full sun to part shade that is sheltered from strong winds. Prepare the planting area well by digging in Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser.
2. Dig the planting hole twice as wide and to the same depth as the root-ball. Remove the shrub from the container, gently tease the roots.
3. Position in hole and backfill, gently firming down. Form a raised ring around the plant, creating a well so that water will go where it’s needed most. Water in well.
4. Mulch around the base with organic mulch like bark chips, sugarcane or pea straw, keeping it away from the base of the plant.
5. Feed every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive Roses & Flowers Liquid Plant Food.
How to grow poinsettias in a pot
- Choose a pot at least 400 mm wide and deep. Position in full sun to part shade that is sheltered from strong winds. If keeping the plant indoors, ensure that it placed in a position that receives at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight per day.
- Fill chosen pot with quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.
- Remove the shrub from the container, gently tease the roots.
- Position in hole and backfill, gently firming down. Water in well.
- Feed every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive Roses & Flowers Liquid Plant Food.
Growing tips
- Poinsettias dislike cool climates and frosts. If in a frost prone area, protect your plants by moving them indoors for the cooler periods.
- Poinsettias naturally flower in winter, with the shorter days and longer nights. In Australia it is often grown in greenhouses that control temperature and light to promote flowering at other times of the year.
- There are many different colours available from the deep red to pinks and white.
- After flowering, give the plant a trim and pot up into larger pots as necessary to promote new growth for the next flowering period.
- Tip pruning can be done in January to help promote bushy growth and form.
- Poinsettias are a lovely gift for Mothers day, Christmas or used as a table centrepiece or decoration around the house.
- Take care when pruning as the milky sap that is released by this plant is poisonous if consumed. Always wear appropriate protective equipment when pruning.