How to enter.
The Grandparent Of The Year Award has been created to highlight and applaud every facet of being a Grandparent regardless of socioeconomic standing, culture, age, gender, status of employment, or circumstance. It is open to all permanent residents of Australia.
Grandparents represent almost 20% of our population. They help raise and shape the lives of their grandchildren. They are the link between present and past. They are the thread that ties us with the generations that came before us. They are the keepers of our cultures and traditions. They are a great resource of information and fill our lives with wisdom and humour. They are our role models and our protectors. They are our confidants and often the gentle push that causes us to succeed. They take away the fear of growing old.
From the ones we visit for Sunday lunch – to the ones who walk with us and take the time to stop to watch colourful caterpillars – to the ones that have taken on the role of full-time carers – to the ones that undertake the many and varied roles in-between – Grandparents are the glue that keeps the family and the community together.
The Grandparent Of The Year Award (GOTYA) is a way of celebrating the contributions of Grandparents and to give people an opportunity to thank the Grandparents in their lives who are the unsung quiet achievers of the family and community – be they neighbours, friends, workmates, members of the same social group or their actual Grandparents.
You can help select the Australian Grandparents of the year. Simply fill in one of the two entry forms below for either the Australian Grandparent of the Year or the Australian Community Service Grandparent of the Year. The same person cannot be nominated for both Awards.
They don't have to be your grandparents. You can nominate anyone you think deserves to be recognised as long as they are grandparents and full-time residents of Australia.
(A ‘Grandparent’ is defined as any older adult who fulfils a grandparenting or senior citizen mentor role for a child. A familial relationship is not necessary in order to meet this requirement.)
The judges will take into account the following Entry Requirements when assessing a Nomination:
Entries must use the entry form below appropriate to the category of Award being entered.
Entries must be the original work of the author.
Entries must be submitted in English.
Supporting comments can be up to 500 words in length and must provide a brief overview of the nominee, highlighting their outstanding attributes along with examples citing the nominee’s contribution to their family or community.
Nominations will be accepted from July 1st, 2020
Deadline – Entries to be received no later than midnight on September 30th, 2020
Winners to be announced on November 1st, 2020, in the magazine.
The Nominator of the successful candidate must agree to act as the interface between the eventual winner of each Award and Grandparents Day Magazine.
Said Nominator must agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the winner and the subsequent receipt of the Award from all parties, including the successful candidate, until Grandparents Day Magazine authorises release.
In the event of your candidate winning an Award, the successful Nominator must agree to provide photos, as requested, of the winner with the trophy and certificate.
Grandparents Day Magazine also requests photos of the winner and his/her family, as well as photos taken during any presentation or celebratory event that may be organised. Such photos must be received by Grandparents Day Magazine within 28 days of the announcement of the Award, unless another deadline has been previously agreed upon.
As we are a non-profit organisation, said Nominator should be prepared to facilitate or assist in the facilitation of any Award presentation or event ceremony that might be organised by Grandparents Day Magazine or any other organisation.
Grandparents represent almost 20% of our population. They help raise and shape the lives of their grandchildren. They are the link between present and past. They are the thread that ties us with the generations that came before us. They are the keepers of our cultures and traditions. They are a great resource of information and fill our lives with wisdom and humour. They are our role models and our protectors. They are our confidants and often the gentle push that causes us to succeed. They take away the fear of growing old.
From the ones we visit for Sunday lunch – to the ones who walk with us and take the time to stop to watch colourful caterpillars – to the ones that have taken on the role of full-time carers – to the ones that undertake the many and varied roles in-between – Grandparents are the glue that keeps the family and the community together.
The Grandparent Of The Year Award (GOTYA) is a way of celebrating the contributions of Grandparents and to give people an opportunity to thank the Grandparents in their lives who are the unsung quiet achievers of the family and community – be they neighbours, friends, workmates, members of the same social group or their actual Grandparents.
You can help select the Australian Grandparents of the year. Simply fill in one of the two entry forms below for either the Australian Grandparent of the Year or the Australian Community Service Grandparent of the Year. The same person cannot be nominated for both Awards.
They don't have to be your grandparents. You can nominate anyone you think deserves to be recognised as long as they are grandparents and full-time residents of Australia.
(A ‘Grandparent’ is defined as any older adult who fulfils a grandparenting or senior citizen mentor role for a child. A familial relationship is not necessary in order to meet this requirement.)
The judges will take into account the following Entry Requirements when assessing a Nomination:
Entries must use the entry form below appropriate to the category of Award being entered.
Entries must be the original work of the author.
Entries must be submitted in English.
Supporting comments can be up to 500 words in length and must provide a brief overview of the nominee, highlighting their outstanding attributes along with examples citing the nominee’s contribution to their family or community.
Nominations will be accepted from July 1st, 2020
Deadline – Entries to be received no later than midnight on September 30th, 2020
Winners to be announced on November 1st, 2020, in the magazine.
The Nominator of the successful candidate must agree to act as the interface between the eventual winner of each Award and Grandparents Day Magazine.
Said Nominator must agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the winner and the subsequent receipt of the Award from all parties, including the successful candidate, until Grandparents Day Magazine authorises release.
In the event of your candidate winning an Award, the successful Nominator must agree to provide photos, as requested, of the winner with the trophy and certificate.
Grandparents Day Magazine also requests photos of the winner and his/her family, as well as photos taken during any presentation or celebratory event that may be organised. Such photos must be received by Grandparents Day Magazine within 28 days of the announcement of the Award, unless another deadline has been previously agreed upon.
As we are a non-profit organisation, said Nominator should be prepared to facilitate or assist in the facilitation of any Award presentation or event ceremony that might be organised by Grandparents Day Magazine or any other organisation.